Technology for humans

The blog space of The Liberated Edge

Blogging on The Edge

How to self host a Hugo-generated blog on the Edge

This article is a case study. It shares the story of self hosting this website - the blog space of The Liberated Edge - as a static Hugo website on The Edge. You will get to know how we manage its content through CI/CD workflows, and how we integrated fair web analytics to help us further steer its evolution.


Enabling whiteboards on The Edge

Live collaboration on The Edge

Have you ever thought about self hosting your own collaborative whiteboard on The Edge?

Up until recently I was convinced that collaborating live with others through the means of a modern and well performing infinite canvas featuring wide support of shapes and image art, one that would be self hosted on The Edge, was merely impossible.

The solution turned out to be unexpectedly simple and elegant thanks to Nextcloud and

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